Magsoft Corporation

Descripion of Design Modules

Preprocessor: PREFLU

Magnetic bearing graphic

The geometry of the model is entered here (points, lines, shell or surface regions...) and the mesh (automatic or semi-assisted) of the model is created. PREFLU features the use of parameters for easy duplication of points and modification of geometry.

Material Database: CSLMAT

The physical properties of the materials used in your models are entered, modified, and displayed here. The materials are stored with the description of their physical properties, and may have multiple properties assigned to them.

Physical processor: PROPHY

The materials and sources for each region and the boundary conditions for the model are entered here.

Solver: RESGEN

The user controls precision and time stepping to solve for potentials.

Postprocessor: EXPGEN

The results are displayed and selected values are computed here. EXPGEN allows the user to calculate five types of results:

Magnetic bearing graphic

Magsoft Corporation
1223 Peoples Avenue
Troy, NY 12180
Phone: (518) 271-1352
Fax: (518) 276-6380